5 Tips from a Toddler for Getting Through an Ice Storm - Fun Lifestyle Family Photography Waterloo


Hey everybody, it's me, the Toddler! I'm here with some practical advice for when you're stuck inside!

Before we get started, I'm still kind of new here; just came into the world 23 months ago. So I have to ask: Does this kind of storm happen often? Because YUCK! I vaguely remember a time when it was so warm I could swim outside! Let's switch to that, please!

Anyway, I've learned a TON this weekend about getting through an ice storm. Mom and Dad took care of all the practical stuff like making sure we had batteries and flashlights, leaving me free to focus on entertainment! So without further ado, here are my tips for getting through an ice storm...

Tip #1: Coffee, and lots of it!

At least, that's what Dad says! Mom can't believe she's never acquired the taste for it, but I'm generous with the refills from my coffee maker. Keeps you warm and keeps you moving!


Tip #2: Take advantage of the opportunity to practice things!

You've probably got some things you've been meaning to practice: climbing the steps, climbing up to counters, climbing onto beds, climbing furniture, maybe even climbing the walls! Really, climbing anything is the name of the game for me. And if you've been putting off practicing your climbing, being stuck in the house is the perfect chance to get going. So grab your step stool and let's get off the ground!


Tip #3: Keep it moving!

Now this one's important, people. If you stay still for any length of time at all, someone is going to ask if you're tired and try to put you down for a nap! But we've got better things to do during this ice storm than sleep, so keep on your toes. Literally! Jump, dance, run, or do them all at once!


Tip #4: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

You just can't underestimate the importance of drinking water. Mom says this storm is making her want to drink heavily... She's gonna be so hydrated! 


Tip #5: Spend the time with people you love.

Guys, my sister can build anything. And my parents order from this Amazon place that sends these awesome boxes! Do you know them? What a brilliant business: cardboard boxes! We've been riding this train most of the day, so I'm pretty tired from the travel, but it's always more fun when you're with someone you love.


So that's what I've learned this weekend! Thanks for letting me share with you. Should we make Tips from a Toddler a regular feature? Let us know on Facebook or in the comments!