Signs of Spring Scavenger Hunt! Waterloo Family Fun Lifestyle Photography
Spring is here, even if there's still a chill in the air! Are you looking for a fun way to spend an early spring day together? How about a nature walk, and a family scavenger hunt for some signs of spring?
My kids love to be outside, and we really enjoy spending time as a family investigating nature in lots of forms. Sometimes it's a how-muddy-can-one-kid-be situation, and other times it's up close and personal with a toad! We try to use as many senses as we can to notice what's going on around us. It's a great reminder to me to slow and take it all in, the way the kids do when everything is a wonder to them!
I've put together a list of some signs of spring you might be able to see in your neighbourhood, schoolyard, park, or forest. You can print it off and take it with you on your walk. Your child might like to circle each sign you find, or maybe they'd prefer to draw what they see, hear, and feel.
Click here to get your printable PDF of this fun family scavenger hunt! Enjoy spending some time together outside looking for the different signs of spring! Come back to the Facebook page and post a picture, or let me know how many signs you found!